The Unique Antibacterial Used Against Clostridia, Coccidia & Crop Canker In Poultry & Pigeon
Used in Poultry for:
- Treat protozoal infections including Giardia, Entamoeba, Trichomonas, and Balantidium.
- Treat anaerobic bacterial infections as Clostridium perfringens.
- May be used to treat Clostridium perfringens enterotoxemia, diarrhea of undetermined cause.
- Help in treatment of coccidiosis.
- Treatment of avian canker (Trichomoniasis) in pigeons.
The Unique Antiprotozoal & Anti-anaerobic Used In Horses, Dogs & Cats.
Used in dogs and cats for:
- Treat protozoal infections including Giardia, Entamoeba, Trichomonas, and Balantidium.
- Treat anaerobic bacterial infections.
- It has immune-modulating activity and may be prescribed to treat inflammatory bowel disease.
- May be used to treat colitis caused by other antibiotics, periodontal disease (especially in cats), Clostridium perfringens enterotoxemia, tetanus, diarrhea of undetermined cause, pancreatic insufficiency (with small-intestinal bacterial overgrowth), and complications of severe liver disease
- Metronidazole may be used with corticosteroids to treat inflammatory bowel disease or gum disease (gingivitis/stomatitis) in cats.
Used in horse for:
- With other antibiotics to treat mixed bacterial infections in which anaerobic bacteria are present, (pleuropneumonia,peritonitis, and abdominal abscesses).
- Used prophylactically after colic or other abdominal surgery when mixed bacterial infections are a risk.
- Rectal administration is used occasionally in the very sick patient when anorexia and weight loss are a problem.